Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Relationships & Communication Skill

The fundamentals of your personal magnetism andrelationships need to constantly be revisited,practiced, and maintained because I bet that you'reeither not doing them at all or doing them that well. People may want advanced communication skills, butoften, all they need are the fundamentals.
Here are 3 powerful fundamentals to improve yourrelationships (Beware of that! Relationships! Theseare communication skills that are just as useful - ifnot more useful - with your partner and those closeto you. Keep that in mind as your read the principlesbelow.)
1. Be Interested In People
This isn't just a social skill, it's a fundamentalrelationship skill. Get interested in your partner'slife. Get interested in your coworkers hobbies. Getinterested in your child's sport.
2. Make People Feel Important
Admire other's accomplishments, compliment them,and do other things to make them feel important. Successfully making a person feel important is notjust stroking the person's ego, but it is also showsthem that you acknowledge their efforts. It showsthat you care.
3. Be Comfortable With Yourself
Being comfortable with yourself has severalelements. It includes, but not limited to, being ableto laugh at yourself, having good self-esteem andconfidence, having composure, and other things that. The person can be aggressive towards others,frustrated, and generally uncomfortable withonself.
Most of these principles are applied to a socialcontext. That is, they relate to popularity,conversation skills, and being a more social person.However, I encourage you to see the principle'sapplication in your personal relationships.